I would like to personally invite you to our #LeanHR webinar series.  We are going to discuss how HR can achieve a very demanding mission while dealing with the usual organizational drag.

HR, as the protectors of the values and operating principles of the organization is put into a position to either create mutual trust and respect or run the potential of disenfranchising the organization. By making the connection between the organizational goals and objectives and demonstrating a few simple actions, HR can support the organization in achieving excellence.

After each webinar, I invite everyone to email me to set up a time for questions and discussion. I am looking forward to the interaction.

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John Allen

John Allen is an internationally known expert in Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) systems and change management (including Lean and Six Sigma). As a master lean Sensei, he has spent over twenty years as Chairman, CEO and founder of Total Systems Development, designing and conducting CPI training programs and implementing CPI systems throughout the world for the US Air Force and major multinational corporations. John’s knowledge and experience in lean extends particularly to the apparel and footwear business as reflected in his work with Nike, MAS Holdings and Brandix Lanka Limited.

Prior to starting TSD, John spent eight years at Toyota Motor Corporation, rising to the position responsible for all lean training at its first North American plant in Georgetown, Kentucky. Here he acquired his singular insight into the culture as well as mechanics of lean, and this played an essential role in his later contribution, as TSD principal, to the early development of the Ford Production System (based upon the Toyota Production System) and Ford’s Cleveland engine plant winning the Shingo Prize for Manufacturing.

Most recently, John has taken his experience from Toyota and 20+ years at TSD and written articles on LinkedIn and the TSD blog on The Role of HR in a Continuously Improving Organization, or #LeanHR.  His aim is to enable HR to take their appropriate leadership role in creating and sustaining a lean organization.

Register for John Allen’s
#LeanHR Q&A webinar

Check out TSD’s other #LeanHR materials here

Check out John’s previous #LeanHR webinars here